Croatian Association of Teachers of English

HUPE Dubrovnik Branch meeting

The second HUPE Dubrovnik Branch meeting in the school year 2022-2023 will be held on May 27, 2023 at 11.00 a.m. at OŠ Blato. Our Teams General channel will be open at 10.50 for those who cannot attend the meeting in person. 


  1. Silvija Pećanac Bačić: Poem as a motivational tool for discussion and mediation
  2. Marija Lipanović: Job Shadowing in Joensuu, Finland
  3. Silvana Radulović: The Pleasures of Edinburgh

Looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday,

Jelica Šeparović
HUPE Dubrovnik Branch President

1st HUPE Varaždin branch meeting

Date and time: 3 June 2023 10:00 AM

Venue: Arheološki park Ludbreg, Trg Sv. Trojstva 25, 42230 Ludbreg


  1. Jasna Polanović, prof. mentor: Iskustva - Prevođenje u nastavi engleskog jezika
    Translation method and Juvenes Translatores competition in English language teaching
  2. Mirta Kos Kolobarić: Guard your cultural heritage
    This is a collection of several practical, ready-to-use activities designed for and carried out within an Erasmus+ project. All these activities are aimed at making our students (regardless of their age) aware and appreciative of their rich cultural heritage. Some ideas for project work were designed to make students think how to use cultural heritage as various tourist products. The activities can be used both in primary and secondary schools.
  3. Sanja Ždralović: Literature and mediation
  4. Ivana Gradečak: London is Always a good idea!
  5. Marina Đura & Ivana Pavlic: Edinburgh 
  6. HUPE Varaždin branch elections 
  7. Branch news

Stela Pavetić,
HUPE Varaždin branch president

HUPE Rijeka Branch meeting

Dear colleagues, 

the time for our next HUPE Rijeka Branch meeting has come. It will be held on May 27, 2023 at 10 am at the Trsat Branch of the Rijeka City Library (Dvorana mladosti, Trg Viktora Bubnja 1). 

1. Gracijela Orobabić: Bilingual CLIL Workshop for Young Learners 
2. Anita Jokić: What can we learn from Winnie the Pooh? (2 versions of materials A2-B2) 
3. HUPE news 

If you’d like to attend the meeting, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as the number of attendees is limited. 

Looking forward to seeing and meeting you all, 

Doris Mesaroš 
HUPE Rijeka Branch President 

Poziv na 2. sastanak slavonskobrodske podružnice HUPE-a u šk. god. 2022./2023.

Pozivam vas na 2. sastanak slavonskobrodske podružnice HUPE-a u školskoj 2022./2023. godini koji će se održati u srijedu24. svibnja 2023. 17.00 sati u OŠ „Bogoslav Šulek“, Aleja Miroslava Krleže 2, u Slavonskom Brodu.   

Dnevni red:

  1. Maja Penava Aleksić: MADD- Music,Art,Drama and Dance in a Finnish Classroom
  2. Mirta Kos Kolobarić: Boost Sustainable Thinking
  3. Izbori za predsjednika podružnice
  4. Razno 

Kako bi vam se mogle izdati potvrde o stručnom usavršavanju, molim vas da svoj dolazak potvrdite na This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..   

Predsjednica slavonskobrodske podružnice HUPE-a Nikolina Pranjić

HUPE Split Branch meeting

Dear colleagues,

The HUPE Split Branch meeting for the end of the school year 2022/2023 will take place on Thursday, May 18, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. at Osnovna škola Brda, Put Brda 2, Split.


  1. DanijelaRadić & Ivana Bokavšek: Music Based Creative Writing
    Writing is a challenging teaching process that can be enhanced and facilitated by different techniques that motivate students to be imaginative and productive in their written expressions ‘Seasoned’ by music, writing becomes a joyable activity that encourages students to dive into the world of infinite creativity.

  2. AnitaŽivković & Miranda Barac: Summative Assessment in Language Mediation
    Language mediation has been an integral part of language learning since it was introduced as an element of assessment in the two final years of high school several years ago. Since then, we have understood the concept of language mediation and introduced it into the classroom, creating compelling and engaging tasks and activities for our students to practise this skill, acquire strategies and become more competent mediators. However, many of us still have doubts and questions when evaluating and measuring a learner's ability to mediate a spoken or written text or texts in order to facilitate communication between two or more speakers or groups who, for whatever reason, cannot communicate directly. This workshop will provide sample activities and rubrics that should help you with the summative assessment of this relatively new skill in the English language curriculum.

  3. AnitaŽivković: The Reform of Vocational Education
    The world of work is changing significantly, and vocational education needs to adapt to stay ahead of these changes. The reform of vocational education aims to create a strong, unified and sustainable system that delivers the skills learners need to thrive. However, it is important to acknowledge that every change is stressful and the vocational education reform will have an impact on everyone working within the sector, including teachers of English as well.

  4. HUPE Split Branch President Elections
    The branch president is elected for a term of 2 years and takes over the management of the branch from September 1, 2023.
    The president is primarily responsible for the regular 'maintenance' of the membership, organizing branch meetings during the school year and exchanging information related to the work of theAssociation. Also, he or she participates in the organization of the HUPE conference together with Board members and other branch presidents. By volunteering at HUPE, you have the opportunity to collaborate with excellent colleagues, develop team spirit, improve the work of the Association, and make new international acquaintances. If you are interested in running our Split branch, apply at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than May 17, 2023, with the information below: name and surname, short biography, why you are applying for the position and your mobile phone number.
    If you have additional questions regarding the branch president elections, feel free to contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  5. HUPE news

If you wish to attend the meeting, you are kindly requested to register at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 17 May 2023 (Wednesday).

I’m looking forward to seeing you! Kind regards,

Miranda Barac
HUPE Split Branch President




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