Croatian Association of Teachers of English

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HUPE MEMBERSHIP – special offer

Just like every year, HUPE wishes to celebrate the European Day of Languages with all of you, so we invite you to take this chance to renew or start your HUPE membership at a special price!

HUPE membership

Back to school!

Here is that special time again - the buzz of a new school year: fresh beginnings, eager minds, and a chance to make a differece!

We wish you a very happy 2

Become branch president

Dragi HUPE Zagreb branch članovi, vrijeme leti i pred nama su izbori za predsjednika/predsjednicu naše podružnice. Moj dvogodišnji mandat je istekao i divno mi je bilo voditi vas kao tim i "najjaču" podružnicu HUPE-a. 

😉 Za ovo volontersko mjesto može se javiti bilo tko iz naših redova tko je zainteresiran širiti pozitivu, veselje i biti primjer u ovoj maloj velikoj zajednici profesora engleskog jezika. HUPE inspire and be inspired!

become branch president


32nd Annual International HUPE Conference
15 – 17 November 2024
Valamar, Poreč 

Izabela Potnar Mijić: Communication is the key, but what do we open with it?

Izabela Potnar Mijić is a senior advisor for English and German as foreign languages in the Education and Teacher Training Agency, Regional branch Osijek. She performs professional and advisory work in education, participates in the monitoring, improvement and development of education in the field of preschool, primary and secondary education.

Working in the educational institutions implies communicating with different profiles: students, teachers, parents, advisors, authorities, and public. Sometimes it is difficult to come to terms with opposite points of view, opinions and expectations. To communicate successfully means to approach every participant appropriately. How hard/easy can that be?
In this session we will talk about different kinds of communication that can be observed in the schools and around them, go through examples of good and bad communication and give some ideas for improving our personal communication skills.  

Izabela PM plenarno



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