Croatian Association of Teachers of English

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Languages United / HUPE bake-along

Our bake-along project is moving along!

As a part of Languages United and HUPE professional development through cross-cultural collaboration bake-along, this time Sabina Skenderović will host a Zoom bake-along to teach us how to make baklava rolls!

We would love you to join us and fill your homes with enticing baking smells!

The bake-along will be held on Sunday, 23rd February, 2025 at 11:00 AM Croatia / 10am UK.

If you would like to participate, please send an email to your branch representative to get the link and pdf with all the needed information.

Baklava rolls

A Holistic, Humanistic Approach to Sustainable Education

Our partners at the Bridge are inviting us to join them for a free live webinar titled "A Holistic, Humanistic Approach to Sustainable Education" with Judit Fehér on February 20, 2025, from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM CET via Zoom. The session will offer practical activities to empower teachers in addressing sustainability topics.

For more information about the speaker, workshop and how to apply, please follow the link:

webinar slika

Izbori za dvogodišnji mandat u HUPE izvršnom odboru

Dragi članovi,

pozivamo vas da se pridružite našoj organizaciji i pomognete nam u radu novim idejama!

Provodimo izbore za dvogodišnji mandat za nekoliko pozicija u HUPE izvršnom odboru (predsjednika, potpredsjednika, tajnika, blagajnika, odnose s javnošću, međunarodne odnose i urednika) te nadzornom odboru, a održat će se 15. ožujka 2025. tijekom AGM-a na HUPE danu.

Nije potrebno nikakvo posebno znanje ili vještine, sigurni smo da imate sve što nam treba. Jer najbitnije je imati volje, dobru energiju, biti informatički pismeni (copy, scan, convert, attach, upload...), poštivati rokove i imati prosječno sat vremena tjedno za HUPE (nekada ima 5 sati tjedno, a nekada nema posla nekoliko tjedana). Ukoliko ste se prepoznali, ispunite obrazac do 28. veljače 23.59h.

Za pobliži opis svake pozicije i način prijave, slijedite poveznicu: 
Napomena: obrazac će biti aktivan od 1. do 28. veljače 2025. godine

Vaš Team HUPE

BAKE-ALONG by Languages United and HUPE

Get your ingredients ready and your aprons on! On Sunday, 26th January, 2025, at 11:00 AM, Languages United and HUPE are inviting you to professional development through cross-cultural collaboration bake-along where we'll be making čupavci, a delicious mixture of coconut and chocolate! Bake with us and have fun from the comfort of your own kitchen!

Your branch representatives will send you more details on how to join! See you there!




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