Croatian Association of Teachers of English

  • Slide

HUPE board candidates and elections

On 15 March, 2025 at our HUPE Day, elections will be held where you will have the opportunity to choose the members of the new HUPE executive and supervisory board.

We are presenting you the candidates in the pdf below. Read about them, their motivation and choose your favourites that you will be able to vote for.

See you on 15 March!


HUPE Day – 15 March, 2025

As the time of our HUPE Day is approaching, we are sharing the programme so you could read some information about our speakers and their topics! Just like every year, we have gathered speakers from partner organisations to share their expertise and experience with you. This year, we are also holding the elections for the new HUPE board on this day.

We would be very glad if you could join us on 15 March to get inspired by our speakers and to help us choose the people who will guide our organization for the next two years.

To join, all you need to do is follow the link below and write your full name and HUPE branch so we could issue you the certificates of attendance. 

Zoom link:

HUPE Day – 2025

SOL courses for students and teachers

Our partners at SOL have been organising courses for both students and teachers from Central and SE Europe. They offer full immersion in language and culture, providing you with a unique experience. We encourage you to join them, meet other teachers and bring new ideas into your classrooms!

For more info, please visit their website:

SOL brochure

2nd HUPE Osijek branch meeting invitation

Dear colleagues,

I would like to invite you to our second HUPE Osijek Branch meeting in the school year 2024-2025, which will take place on Saturday, March 29, 2025 at 9.00 am at the Faculty of Education in Osijek (Fakultet za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti, Ulica cara Hadrijana 10, Osijek) in Room 21.  


  1. Mary Dimitrov: American accents and dialects
  2. Ivana Borozni: Serious Fun! Unlocking the Magic of Humor in Teaching
  3. Mirta Kos Kolobarić: Digitalize your stories
  4. HUPE news

The workshop summaries can be found below.

If you would like to attend the meeting, please, register by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view Thursday, March 27, 2025 at 8.00 pm the latest so there is enough time for me to make all the preparations for the meeting based on the number of attendees. Thank you.

I’m looking forward to seeing you.

Kind regards,

Adrijana Roždijevac
HUPE Osijek Branch President

2nd HUPE meeting 2025 final



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