HUPE Rijeka Branch meeting
Dear colleagues,
the time for our next HUPE Rijeka Branch meeting has come. It will be held on May 27, 2023 at 10 am at the Trsat Branch of the Rijeka City Library (Dvorana mladosti, Trg Viktora Bubnja 1).
1. Gracijela Orobabić: Bilingual CLIL Workshop for Young Learners
2. Anita Jokić: What can we learn from Winnie the Pooh? (2 versions of materials A2-B2)
3. HUPE news
If you’d like to attend the meeting, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as the number of attendees is limited.
Looking forward to seeing and meeting you all,
Doris Mesaroš
HUPE Rijeka Branch President