Croatian Association of Teachers of English


Third HUPE Split branch meeting for the school year 2018/19 was held on May 31, 2019 at Osnovna škola don Lovre Katića. The agenda included:

  1. Ivana Bokavšek: Digital Storytelling 
  2. Alenka Miljević : School for Life in experimental school
  3. AOB

The first part of the meeting included a workshop titled Digital Storytelling. Ivana Bokavšek demonstrated how technology, if applied appropriately and innovatively, can enhance student communication skills. The workshop provided teachers with hands on opportunities to explore ICT tools WordCloud, H5P and Adobe Spark Post that support creative learning and innovative teaching. Ivana offered the specific examples and practical activities designed to spark student curiosity and creativity.

In the  second part of the meeting Alenka Miljević shared  her experience about experimental programme School for life in practice in the round table format. The focus was on planning, assessment and use of new technologies in teaching. Fourteen English teachers actively took part in the discussion.  

We are thankful to all the participants for joining and making the meeting dynamic and productive!

Vanja Fazinić
HUPE Split Branch President


The third HUPE Rijeka Branch meeting was held at Gradska knjižnica Rijeka, ogranak Trsat – American Corner in Rijeka on May 11th, 2019. Twenty members attended the meeting. 

The agenda included:

  1. Ana Inić and Marina Mrazovac:Co-teaching grammar
  2. Dorina Badurina:Investigating content and language integrated learning in Croatia
  3. Nataša Žarkov: 27th Annual International Conference in Poreč

The first workshop was held by Ana Inić, from Prirodoslovna i grafička škola Rijeka, and Marina Mrazovac, from Glazbena škola Ivana Matetića Ronjgova. The aim of this workshop was to offer first-hand co-teaching experience in grammar lesson design. Certain grammatical structures, such as causative have can be quite challenging for students to acquire. Using various methods can be a useful tool in overcoming those obstacles. One such method is co-teaching.

The aim of the second workshop, held by Dorina Badurina from Srednja škola Ljudevita Adamića, was to familiarize the teachers with the CLIL approach and its characteristics in Europe and Croatia.  Moreover, the presentation aimed to provide insights into teachers' thoughts and concerns about the challenges and benefits of CLIL obtained as a part of a case study in Andrija Ljudevit Adamić High School in Rijeka. Although CLIL is seen as an innovative approach that promotes linguistic diversity in education, CLIL warrants more attention from national institutions, higher education programmes, and secondary education policies.

Nataša Žarkov, HUPE Branch President, talked about 27thHUPE Conference held in April in Poreč.

If you wish to join HUPE Rijeka, contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Nataša Žarkov
HUPE Rijeka


The second HUPE Split Branch meeting was held at Osnovna škola don Lovre Katića in Solin on March 15th, 2019.
Eighteen members attended the Friday evening meeting. The agenda included:

1. Conrad Kellett - School for Life goals: Classroom to real life!
2. HUPE conference – news and update
3. AOB

It was a great pleasure to host Conrad Kellet who ran a workshop on behalf of PEARSON called School for Life Goals: Classroom to real life! Conrad activated our curiosity, demonstrating how to create a fun and engaging classroom. He offered the specific examples and practical activities designed to spark student curiosity and creativity. During the workshop the teachers tired the activities tailored to enable students to take a more central role in their learning experience, encourage independent learning and facilitate communicative language communication and cultural communication competence.
After the workshop Vanja Fazinić, HUPE Split Branch President, provided updates on 27th Annual International HUPE Conference.

Thank you all for coming and hope to see you at our next meeting in May!

If you are an English teacher and want to join HUPE Split, feel free to contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Vanja Fazinić
HUPE Split


The first HUPE Zagorje meeting in 2019 was held at Secondary school Bedekovčina on February 1st, 2019. 13 members attended the meeting.

There were two workshops. The first one was a workshop held by our dear member Sanja Ždralović entitled Do Students Really Need Constant Progress in English? Sanja gave a presentation with many ideas on how to motivate students to keep learning when they have already reached the intermediate level of English. The teachers tried many activities in pairs and discussed them afterwards. 

The second workshop, held by Conrad Kellet, on behalf of PEARSON, was called School for Life Goals: Classroom to Real Life. The participants had a lot of fun trying different creative activities which could be used in classroom according to the new English language curriculum. 

After the workshop, HUPE PR, Gordana Bujanić Tretinjak had a short presentation about the forthcoming HUPE elections.

HUPE Zagorje is thankful to both the speakers for presenting such creative and useful ideas and members for joining and making the meeting lively and productive!

I hope to see you all in March on our second meeting in 2019!
If you wish to join HUPE Zagorje, contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Petra Končić
HUPE Zagorje Branch President


The second HUPE Rijeka Branch meeting was held at Gradska knjižnica Rijeka, ogranak Trsat – American Corner in Rijeka on January 26th, 2019. Twenty-four members attended the meeting.

The agenda included:

  1. Gracijela Orobabić: Learning English Through Video Picture Books
  2. Tamara Pleše: International English projects
  3. Deni Kirinčić: Using songs in the EFL clasroom

The first workshop was held by Gracijela Orobabić, the teacher in elementary school ‘Gornja Vežica’. She talked about video picture books as the additional teaching material. She finds them just the right kind of teaching tool that ticks all the boxes. You can use pre-existing tasks or create your own, especially digital ones, to keep young learners active, focused and eager to use and develop all their language skills. In addition, we should use real-life experience and work on developing their thinking and problem-solving skills. In her workshop Gracijela presented a two-week projects she did with her 6th graders.
Tamara Pleše, the teacher in elementary school ‘Delnice’, presented the project she did with her students in collaboration with the Polish students and their teacher from Gdansk in previous two school years. They were exploring English through different cultures, presenting their hometown and region they live in, and finally, some of them hosted Polish students in their homes and even visited Poland. Students showed enthusiasm and were very pleased to meet students from another country and collaborate with them.
Deni Kirinčić, the teacher and pedagogue in elementary school ‘Gornja Vežica’, talked about using songs in ELT. Music should be one of the most important tools an English teacher uses in their classroom. It offers a chance for students to get a glimpse of authentic language. Songs are easily obtained, and they can be selected according to students’ needs which makes them perfect for the introduction of new vocabulary, grammar and even various cultural aspects. In class, teachers can opt for different teaching strategies and exercises, some of which are gap-filling exercises, spotting mistakes, translation, correct verse order, making comics, debates, etc. The choice of songs should be based on students’ preferences, bearing in mind the appropriateness and suitability, as it will surely increase their motivation levels
If you wish to join HUPE Rijeka, contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Nataša Žarkov
HUPE Rijeka



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