The first HUPE Varaždin Branch report
The first meeting of HUPE Varaždin Branch in the school year 2017/2018 was held at Srednja škola Ludbreg on Friday, 13 October 2017 at 5 pm.
Our dear colleagues, Stela Pavetić and Irena Žiger, prepared interesting workshops for the attendees.
Stela Pavetić is an experienced elementary-school teacher and presenter. For this occasion she prepared a workshop "Quiz your brains out (ICT in EFL)". An interesting presentation was followed by an interactive activity for the participants. We were introduced to several quizzes and encouraged to use modern technology as an integral part of the language learning process.
Interactive quizzes in our classrooms make learning English more exciting and increase students' motivation.
Irena Žiger, the founder of "Žiger" foreign languages school, experienced teacher of English and Russian language and accredited EAQUALS inspector, guided us through EPG (European Profiling Grid). EPG is an internationally recognized tool for assessing language teacher competencies divided in six stages of professional experience. The teachers were asked to share their ideas on selected grid categories and use the EPG as a valuable self-assessment tool.
The meeting ended at 7.30 pm.
Dear fellow English teachers, if you'd like to join us, don't hesitate to contact me on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
We're looking forward to our next meeting in December.
Ivana Pomahač
HUPE Varaždin