The first Zagreb Branch meeting
Our first meeting was held at Svijet jezika on Friday 22 September, 2017.
Our speaker was Marinko Uremović who works in Osnovna škola Blage Zadre in Vukovar.
The topic was The Complete Begginer's Guide to Interactive Student Notebooks. Since students notebooks are integral part of any language course, we were shown how to make them more exciting and useful. Interactive students notebook have added colours, better organisation, understanding and are personalised in a way that each and every student can spark and feel great about himself or herself.
After the inital talk, 40 teachers were divided into groups and asked to give some ideas on certain topics using interactive notebooks. Interesting ideas were shared and discussed.
The second topic of our meeting was elections for the Branch president. I am happy to be given an opportunity to run it for the next two years.
The meeting ended at 9 pm .
If you are an English teacher and want to join us, feel free to contact me on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Lana Duka Zupanc
HUPE Zagreb