Croatian Association of Teachers of English

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Card contest


Dragi svi,

HUPE vam nudi PUNU STIPENDIJU (kotizacija, put, smještaj s doručkom) za odlazak na ELTA Serbia 2020.
Sve što trebate napraviti je napisati sažetak svog predavanja/radionice s kojom bi predstavljali HUPE u Srbiji i poslati na This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Rok prijave je 31.12.2019.
Veselimo se vašim prijavama i sretno!

Vaš HUPE Board

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Izvrsna prilika!

Svi zainteresirani za povlašteno članstvo u IATEFL-u pišite na This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

IATEFL flyer for basic membership

The Bridge prize draw

The Bridge prize draw after the 27th Annual International HUPE Conference! HUPE congratulates to the lucky winner and thanks the Bridge for this amazing prize.



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