Croatian Association of Teachers of English

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Jelena Mihaljević Djigunović

30th Annual International HUPE Conference
11 – 13 November 2022
Valamar, Poreč

Jelena Mihaljević Djigunović:  Old practices and new insights: Making the match


Jelena Mihaljević Djigunović worked as Professor of SLA and TEFL at Zagreb University, Croatia. She was also involved in teacher training programs in Poland, taught MA and PhD courses at the University of Pécs, Hungary, and served as external examiner of doctoral dissertations in the UK (University of Reading), Sweden (University of Umea) and Hungary (University of Pécs). She has participated in numerous large-scale national and international research projects (the latest one being the Early Language Learning in Europe - ELLiE). Her main professional interests include teacher education, teaching modern languages to young learners and the role of affective factors in language learning. Besides three sets of EFL coursebooks and handbooks, her publications also include two research books on affect in FL learning and over 130 research papers and book chapters. After retiring from Zagreb University in 2014 she has continued to be active in the field by supervising PhD. students, presenting at national and international conferences, publishing research papers and editing books.


In this plenary I will look back at the past 30 years by identifying the main trends in ELT which have prevailed and new insights that have emerged. My focus will be on both the teaching / learning processes and on the key protagonists in ELT: the learner, the teacher, parents, and policy makers. Using illustrative examples of what has changed and what has not, I will suggest ways of aligning old practices with new insights.

New perspectives

new perspective

Dragi članovi,
HUPE nastavlja sa svojim aktivnostima od kojih je jedna i omogućavanje našim aktivnim članovima/članicama odlazak na konferencije naših partnera.
Jedna takva mogućnost pruža se i za mjesec listopad i to za IATEFL-Hungary. Konferencija će se održati od 7. do 9. listopada 2022. godine u  Hotelu Sungarden, Siófok, Mađarska. Ukoliko mislite da ste baš vi idealan kandidat koji bi predstavljao našu udrugu u Mađarskoj (all expenses paid) sve što trebate napraviti je slijediti ova četiri koraka:
Više o samoj konferenciji možete saznati na stranici IATEFL-Hungary (
Ako niste sigurni je li vaše članstvo u HUPE-u još uvijek aktivno, javite se predsjedniku/ici vaše podružnice kako biste provjerili.
Veselimo se vašim prijedlozima!


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Dragi naši,

sada kad su mjere za sprječavanje širenja pandemije popustile, HUPE nastavlja sa svojim aktivnostima. 

Jedna od njih je svakako i omogućavanje našim članovima/članicama odlazak na konferencije naših partnera. 

Jedna takva mogućnost pruža se i za mjesec rujan i to za IATEFL Poland. Konferencija će se održati od 16. do 18. rujna 2022. godine. Moto ovogodišnje konferencije je Language teaching fair. Exchanging ideas, a ukoliko mislite da ste baš vi idealan kandidat koji bi predstavljao našu udrugu u Poljskoj (all expenses paid) sve što trebate napraviti je slijediti ova četiri koraka:

  • smisliti temu prezentacije koju biste tamo održali 
  • napisati sažetak te teme (cca. 100 words)
  • poslati ga na adresu: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. do 11.5.
  • čekati da vidite jeste li baš vi odabrani! 

U dokumentu kojem možete pristupiti klikom ovdje pronaći ćete dodatne informacije koje vam mogu biti korisne za osmišljavanje teme vaše radionice/predavanja!

Veselimo se vašim prijedlozima!

Meet HUPE Split

HUPE Split Branch President

Tatjana BanduraTajana Bundara has been teaching English and German for two decades. Her teaching experience embraces different school types from high schools, elementary schools over to schools for foreign languages and language camps.

She strongly believes the basic qualities can be cultivated through effort and challenges should be embraced as the path to mastery. Her driving force is her passion for work and her motto – Change is the only constant in life.


Erasmus +; One project, a thousand possibilities

Erasmus+ program has been a part of our school lives for many years, but still lots of our colleagues have many unanswered questions about it. This workshop aims to give answers to such questions in order to educate, encourage, inspire and empower teachers to take part in Erasmus+ projects.
During the first part of the workshop you will see a short PowerPoint presentation tackling most common questions individuals have in respect of Erasmus+ projects in general, and more specific guidelines such as how to participate as a partner in a project or create a project of your own.
During the second part of the workshop the participants will have the opportunity to develop a project idea in small groups.
Lecturers: Ružica Kandić, prof.,univ.spec.oec. and Marijana Gudić, prof.


Creative writing workshop

How many times have you had such gifted students and wanted to give them more than regular lessons provide? This creative writing workshop will give you some ideas, that you can easily implement during your additional English lessons.
The workshop aims to give ideas how to engage your students in a creative writing process, which incorporates all their previous knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure and writing skills and takes them to the whole new level.
During the first part of the workshop the participants will have the opportunity to see the product of creative writing process made by the students and their mentor. They will be introduced with all the phases of the process from the beginning to its end.
During the second part of the workshop the participants will take part in creative writing exercises in small groups.

Lecturer: Ružica Kandić, prof., univ.spec.oec.


The sixth HUPE Split Branch meeting was held at Osnovna škola don Lovre Katića in Solin on 3rd October 2019.

The agenda included:

  1. Election of the Branch President
  2. Tajana Bundara: Good Practice Example

Eight members attended the meeting and voted for Tajana Bundara as the new HUPE Split Branch President. She presented her work through a good practice example workshop. The topic of the workshop was ‘Fostering critical thinking through IT tools’.

In attempt to meet the demand for developing 21st century skills Tajana Bundara presented how to implement IT tools in fostering critical thinking skills. The topic of the lesson was Teenagers and Money and it referred to cultural differences. The central teaching strategy was debate with a debate-video-clip on thesis 'Should children be paid for the house chores?' as the debate-trigger-point. She underlined the importance of using online dictionaries, demonstrated how to use QR codes, implement mobile phones as a powerful classroom tool, conduct peer assessment and formative assessment. The final objective of the workshop was to inspire and motivate colleagues to open their minds to new teaching challenges and strategies.

Thank you all for coming and hope to see you at our next meeting!

If you are an English teacher and want to join HUPE Split, feel free to contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Tajana Bundara
HUPE Split Branch President



2nd HUPE Split Meeting

Venue: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Split, Poljička cesta 35
Date: 23 January 2020
Time: 6.30 pm
Agenda: Present-day Challenges in ELT – Ana Bakašun
Number of participants: 7 


People talk about ‘21st-century skills’ across disciplines, but what this term actually means is not always clear and implications it contains are often quite daunting for teachers whose learning histories are often at variance with their students’ learning experiences. Technological, social and cultural environments have changed rapidly during the last twenty-something years. Can we, the ‘old school’ teachers, still provide meaningful and relevant educational practices for today’s EFL students?

Overall impression:

Ana provided insightful information to this question, approaching it from the perspective and experience of a language instructor at the Department of English Language and Literature (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University in Split).

I believe we all enjoyed exchanging valuable and various teaching experiences, resulting in the unanimous educational imperative for fostering thinking skills.
Thank you all for your support, effort and enthusiastic engagement!
I look forward to seeing you all again soon.
If you are an English teacher and want to join HUPE Split, feel free to contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Tajana Bundara
HUPE Split Branch President



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