Croatian Association of Teachers of English

The first HUPE Varaždin branch meeting in school year 2022-2023

The first live HUPE Varaždin branch meeting in this school year was held on Saturday, 3 June 2023. in Centar za kulturu i informiranje Dragutin Novak Ludbreg. Fifteen teachers from Varaždin, Međimurje and Koprivnica-Križevci Counties attended the meeting.

The agenda included:

  1. Jasna Polanović, prof. mentor: Translation in English language teaching
  2. Mirta Kos Kolobarić: Guard your cultural heritage
  3. Sanja Ždralović: Literature and mediation
  4. Ivana Gradečak: London is Always a good idea!
  5. Marina Đura & Ivana Pavlic: Edinburgh is always a good idea, too!
  6. HUPE Varaždin branch elections
  7. HUPE news

Jasna Polanović held a great talk about translation as a method in English language teaching. She also informed the members about the competition Juvenes Translatores in which she participated with her students and about the trip to Bruxelles. Her workshop initiated a very interesting discussion among the participants since they come from both primary and secondary schools and it was interesting to see their views on using translation in their teaching.

Mirta Kos Kolobarić joined us via BBB platform and held an interesting talk about the project dealing with cultural heritage. Her talk was a collection of several practical, ready-to-use activities designed for and carried out within an Erasmus+ project. All these activities are aimed at making our students (regardless of their age) aware and appreciative of their rich cultural heritage. Some ideas for project work were designed to make students think how to use cultural heritage as various tourist products. The activities can be used both in primary and secondary schools. 

Sanja Ždralović held an interesting workshop about using authentic literature in English language teaching and gave participants many examples of activities which can be done with the extracts from authentic literature. 

The last part of the meeting was dedicated to continuous professional education activities organized by HUPE and held in London and Edinburgh. Ivana Gradečak took us to London and showed us everything they saw and learned in London. Marina Đura and Ivana Pavlic gave a great presentation of their trip to Edinburgh and talked about the sights and the activities they enjoyed while in Scotland. 

At the end of the meeting, the HUPE Varaždin branch president elections were held. The president of HUPE Varaždin branch informed the participants that there was only one candidate, Stela Pavetić, from Veliki Bukovec Primary School, HUPE Varaždin branch president. The voting was held via google forms. Stela Pavetić was unanimosly voted the new HUPE Varaždin Branch president for the next two years. 

Members were informed about the news in HUPE and the 31st Annual International HUPE Conference, which is taking place in Valamar Diamant Hotel in Poreč from 20 to 22 October 2023. They were also informed about the call for papers for the upcoming conference and that their speakers' proposals should be sent via the link on our web site by the 23rd June.

HUPE Varaždin is grateful to the speakers for their interesting workshops and to all members who attended the meeting and participated in these great workshops and activities. 

If you are an English teacher and want to join HUPE Varaždin, feel free to contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



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